We have an arched tongue-and-groove ceiling in the living room and a shelf on one end where I can display items. We picked up the wagon wheel on clearance (it was the floor sample), and made it into a light. I love it!

My scale was picked up for $15.00 at a local antique shop. I would like to find some more of these!

I didn't get any pictures of how I made these little stacking boxes, but I can explain it to you. The boxes were at Wal-Mart in the craft section for a buck or two. I painted them, then I printed out some reproduction vintage labels and mod-podged them on the lids. Very easy!


Hope you enjoyed todays pictures!


  1. Morning...so glad to see the 'comment' section available...a few weeks ago it wasn't there.
    Goodness what beautiful pictures.
    I love your ceiling - we have wood in our kitchen and wish it was throughout the house.
    Love your stacking boxes.

  2. Thank you Karen! I also would love to have wood throughout my house!! It's so warm and inviting!
